Enhanced Individual Velocity Charts: Custom Assignee Fields in Jira

Olexiy Artemenko
Head of Product at Broken Build
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April 16, 2024
Product Update
3 min read

In this article

In the world of software development, things are changing constantly. To keep up, teams often tweak their project management tools to fit their unique workflows better. One smart tweak many are making involves the use of custom assignee fields in Jira.

Recognizing this trend, we at Broken Build have made some cool updates to our Individual Velocity Chart. Now, it supports custom fields like 'Developer,' making it easier to see who's doing what and ensuring our numbers really reflect who actually completed the issue.

With these custom fields, our chart now provides a clearer picture of your team's work. It's a big win for project managers and team leaders who want to get a better view of their progress, one detail at a time.

Why Teams Are Opting for Custom Assignee Fields

Tailoring to Team Structure

In many organizations, especially those with larger teams or multiple sub-teams, the standard 'Assignee' field in Jira doesn't quite cut it. These teams might have different roles, such as Developers, Testers, or Analysts, each playing a critical part in the issue resolution process. By using custom fields such as 'Developer', teams can assign work more accurately, making sure the right tasks get to the right experts. This step goes beyond simple organization; it sharpens the way teams manage projects, ensuring work flows smoothly to those best suited to tackle it.

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

Custom fields open the door to more nuanced and detailed reporting. By implementing these fields, gain insights specific to different roles within the project. This approach allows for a more refined tracking process, enhancing the accuracy of performance analytics. With this level of detail, teams can optimize workload distribution more effectively. Furthermore, it aids in strategic resource planning, enabling managers to allocate their resources more efficiently and with greater precision.

Streamlining Workflows

Throughout the various phases of the issue resolution journey, different assignees might be needed at each stage. A task could initially be in the hands of a 'Developer' before transitioning to a 'Reviewer' or a 'Tester'. Custom fields facilitate smooth handoffs between these critical stages, guaranteeing that each participant is accurately tracked and the workflow proceeds without hitches. This system not only keeps the process organized but also ensures that tasks flow seamlessly from one expert to the next, maintaining momentum and clarity in project progress.

Reflecting Real-World Scenarios

Standard fields often don't reflect the complexities of real-world projects. For example, it's common for several individuals to contribute to resolving an issue, each at different stages of its lifecycle. Custom assignee fields come into play here, offering a way to more accurately depict this collective effort. By utilizing these customized fields, teams can gain a clearer, more precise view of the project's progress, reflecting the collaborative nature of their work and ensuring every contribution is visible and accounted for.

Improving Accountability and Ownership

When tasks are assigned to specific roles rather than generic assignees, it instills a sense of ownership and accountability. Team members are clearer about their responsibilities, leading to better task management and completion rates.

Individual Velocity Chart Enhancement: A Game-Changer

With the introduction of our enhanced Individual Velocity Chart, teams can now enjoy:

  • Accurate Velocity Tracking: Tailored to the specific roles within the team, offering a true reflection of each member's contribution.
  • Improved Project Insights: Get deeper insights into how different roles impact the project's progress and timelines.
  • Custom Reporting: Generate reports reflecting the team's dynamics and performance, enhancing decision-making processes

By embracing the diversity of team structures and their unique roles, Broken Build's enhanced Individual Velocity Chart is not just an upgrade – it's a testament to our commitment to providing tools that genuinely resonate with the needs of modern software development teams. It's an essential step towards more nuanced, effective project management in the agile world.

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